Monday, January 11, 2010

santiago perez

eu queria estar em Salvador esta semana para participar do juri do concurso do Teatro Castro Alves mas como não pude me livrar de compromissos acadêmicos aqui no Texas cá estou eu pensando em formas de juntar fabricação digital, sustentabilidade e sensibilidade social no mesmo projeto.

nesse sentido vale a pena conhecer o trabalho de Santiago Perez aqui em Houston que busca exatamente isso: usar as tecnologias digitais de forma a resolver de forma sustentável o problema da habitação. Veja tambem a parceria de Santiago com Bill Massie que já foi assunto aqui no parede.

I would rather be in Salvador this week working as a juror for the Castro Alves Theater competition but since academic obligations kept me in Texas I am here ruminating about digital fabrication, sustainability and social awareness.

in that sense it is worth checking the work of Santiago Perez here in Houston, attempting to do exactly that: to use digital fabrications to solve the issue of housing in a sustainable manner. It is also worth checking his partnership with Bill Massie that was already profiled here before


Anonymous said...

Olá, parabéns pelo blog! Sou Alexandra da RecriarArte quadros e decoração, e lhe peço para que por gentileza adicione nosso site a sua lista de links, adicionaremos o seu blog em nosso site e blog também! Trabalhamos com quadros de artistas brasileiros como Portinari e Poty Lazzarotto e molduras de reflorestamento. Muito Obrigada

Anonymous said...

What the heck is "social awareness"?

Fernando L Lara said...

dear anonymous,

I would be happy to continue this conversation about social awareness if could either identify yourself or get rid of the aggressive tone of your question. Please elaborate...

Anonymous said...

So, I have to identify myself just to get answer? How obamish... Nevermind, and thaaaanks for nothing.

Marcelo Palhares Santiago said...

you don't HAVE TO. but it's polite

Fernando L Lara said...

thanks Marcelo,

see, the whole point of having a blog is to develop a conversation. It can't be done if you are punching me from behind a mask. You either get rid of the mask or you get rid of the punches.

Anonymous said...

what's all the fuzz about my name? It's Craig. Now that I've blown your minds with the breakingnews, I guess it's my turn to ask. What punches?

"heck"? Please. It's an expression that gives the question a sense. I don't need anyone to explain me the meaning of the words. It's a question about how meaningful can that be afterall. Google it! You get nothing.

Just like here. Then, once again, nevermid.

Fernando L Lara said...

ok Craig,

you have a point on saying that "social awareness" is not a widely used expression. But would you agree that architecture (or what the media calls architecture) hasn't been aware of its social surroundings at all? That's what I mean when I praise somebody for its "social awareness": compliments for including an agenda of social transformation (for the better we hope) in design, something that is not new but has been pretty much under the radar in the last 20 years.

Fernando L Lara said...

a bit more on the bad side of anonymity